MailTime for iOS
403 results found
Cannot "select all" from search
No "select all" or "multiple select" from search. Cannot do "multiple select " in mailbox too.
1 vote -
RTL support.
Start writing from right to left.
1 vote -
Support FRK
by KAT
1 vote -
No response after opening the app
Please improve.
1 vote -
Draft and Link View
I can't see my draft which is very bad cause all other application has that. Everything is nice but I can't also open links sent to me. Help rectify this asap.
1 vote -
Çöp kutusu problemi
I use iphone 4s and ios 9. I can not open bin. And dont delete mail in bin.
1 vote -
垃圾桶内的邮件越来越多,很难靠手动一个个清空! 还有就是希望增加邮件多选操作,比如多选删除。
2 votes -
Calendar compatibility
When I receive an email for an event, the "view" option opens the Safari app and takes me to my email and calendar provider, Google. It would be more helpful if the option opened the Calendar app instead.
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13 votes
Option for disabling quotes
There should be an option to choose whether the email would be sent with a quote of previous conversations.
6 votes -
Another language
For example Czech
7 votes -
1 vote
1 vote
1 vote
I'd like to make a more minimal home screen. Just names and subjects. I'd like to remove the grey bar along the right. Simple and clean!
3 votes -
Time interval for Sync
Setup for Time interval for Sync of Email-Accounts
6 votes - Konto hinzufügen
Könnt ihr zu den auswählbaren Konten den Maildienst hinzufügen?
Would be great!
5 votes -
Очистить корзину
Нужно множественное выделение писем в любом ящике и очистка корзины одним нажатием!
1 vote -
3 votes -
Problems: sender name
People who receives my emails see my phone number in the sender name. Why? I do not want to reveal my phone number to the people I'm emailing to.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?